Candidate QuestionnaireLet me know a bit about you! Name * First Name Last Name Email * Why do you want to work with Bagwell Consulting? * Which office do you want to run for and why that office specifically? Preferred Pronouns * She, her, hers He, him, his They, them, theirs Ze or zie (pronounced like “Zee”) Hir/hirs (pronounced like “here”) Queen Just my name Other Explain (optional) Race * Indigenous American/Native American/American Indian Black/African/African American Hispanic Latino Central Asian East Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (in the U.S. Jurisdictions & Territories) Pacific Islander (outside the U.S. Jurisdictions and Territories) Southeast Asians West Asians (Kossack/Middle Eastern/North African White Other (please specify) Explain (optional) Religious Affiliation * Christianity Islam Nonreligious (Secular/Agnostic/Atheist) Hinduism Chinese traditional religion Buddhism Primal-indigenous African traditional and Diasporic Sikhism Paganism Spiritism Judaism Bahai Jainism Shinto Neo-Paganism Unitarian-Universalism Other Explain/Get More Specific (optional) Political Party Registration * Communist Party USA Democratic Party Democratic Socialists of America Green Parties of North America Labor Party New Party Reform Party The Republican Party Socialist Labor Party Socialist Party USA Unity Party Other (please specify) Explain/Get More Specific (optional) Are you pro-choice? Why or Why not? * Position on the death penalty: * Position on legalizing prostitution: * Position on 2nd Amendment RIghts and gun ownership Positions on LGBTQIA Rights: Positions on the rights of transgender people Finish this sentence: If black people want real systematic change, they should____ Relevant Past and Current Boards, Committees, and Affiliations What are your long-term political ambitions? Thank you!